• Symptoms can be reversed

  • You can easily repair your gut

  • You can easily lose weight...permanently!!

    (Yes I will share that secret)

  • You can get the spark back in your life

  • You can afford to invest in your health

  • You can live your very best life

  • Let me show you how


There is so much information, options and opinions out there that knowing where to start or who to trust can be overwhelming. I get it, and that's why I am on a mission to cut through all the confusion and provide simple easy to understand solutions that will work for anyone.

Whilst we all live in an online world, I still love an in person bums on seats talk where using my 35 + years of experience I will share with you the 4 Secrets to living a long, happy & healthy life and you will be amazed how simple it is.

So, check out the dates below for a venue near you. I can't wait to see you there.

"My promise to you is that when you attend our FREE LTLA Health Seminar, you'll receive all the information you need to quickly and affordably transform your health and live your very best life"

Esha Dwight

B.N.Sc.(Hons),G.D.N.Sc.(Hons),Ad.Dip.App.Sc., N.D

Why do you need to hear this?

I have dedicated my life to researching the link between poor gut health, excess body fat and disease and have developed simple, affordable and highly effective programs that will quickly transform your health and your life forever.

If you are you suffering from any of these symptoms (and many more), you need to act now!

  • Weight Gain

  • Bloating

  • Indigestion

  • Reflux

  • Flatulence

  • Headaches

  • Fluid Retention

  • Fatigue

  • Infections

  • Hormonal Issues

  • Inflammation

  • Joint Issues

  • Thinning Hair

  • Brittle Nails

Don't just accept these as being part of life or a consequence of getting older. They are warning signs and you need to listen to them before it's too late and they progress to more serious issues. It's actually your body's way of crying out for you to make changes.

Please don't ignore them. You may have tried things before that have not worked. Don't despair...

There is a better way...the LTLA WAY

Success Stories


I had always struggled to lose weight, losing a couple of kg’s then put more on, and my weight kept getting higher, so I was ready to make a change, I needed to make a change!

I was surprised how easy the LTLA Program was and the best part, I did not get hungry or get sweet cravings and being in contact with my mentor was a massive help. The communication support, and accountability kept me motivated to see the scales every morning which drove me more.

I lost a total of 26.9kg and 148.5cm. I haven’t been this weight in over 15 years and I’m super proud of myself and I feel so healthy & happy.

Kylie & Ted

We first started the LTLA journey with a purpose of losing weight and that happened pretty quickly.

What we didn’t anticipate was the outstanding health benefits that came along with getting our gut right and learning to eat, not just in a healthy way, but in a way that worked for each of our bodies.

I am now pain free and seldom use any form of pain management after having suffered for years with chronic pain and headaches. I now get to wake up each day feeling alive and well.

We are so grateful for the LTLA journey and showing how simple health can be.


Since discovering LTLA my life has changed in more ways than one. Firstly, I have my health back!! I can’t remember the last time I have felt this healthy. No more aches and pains and no more pain meds and anti-inflammatories.

Secondly I got my happiness back. I have gone from a can't be bothered kind of person to a person that says yes a lot more.

Lastly I have found my passion again. I look forward to seeing what every new day brings me. If you are still sitting on the fence and wanting to make a change but are afraid to take that first step. Please do it. You are worth it. You deserve it. Put yourself first.


For many years I had an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

I ignored this diagnosis for a long time as I had come to accept the lethargy, exhaustion, brain fog and weight gain as all part of getting older.

Since discovering LTLA online and being mentored by the beautiful Esha Dwight all the above symptoms have disappeared and I have lost a whopping 16kg.

I still can’t believe how wonderful this program is. My thyroid is in normal range and best of all, I have energy, focus, clarity of mind and am now looking forward to a healthy third age!


About Esha Dwight

"Esha Dwight is a naturopathic practitioner with over 35 years of experience in helping people achieve long-term wellness. After losing her mother to a preventable lifestyle disease when she was only 10 years old, Esha made it her mission to prevent other young children from losing their parents.

She specialised in the connection between gut health, excess body fat and disease and built a network of Integrated clinics across Australia and New Zealand where she helped thousands of people off disease paths and on to a healthy life.

Understanding the limitations of traditional business she brought her knowledge and experience online to develop the LTLA system, which has helped countless people all over the world transform their health affordably, quickly, and in a truly life-changing way"

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  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

Copyright 2023 - Learn to Live Again Pty Ltd